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When Is a Call to Hospice Necessary?

Feb 08, 2018

End-of-Life Care

When Is a Call to Hospice Necessary?

You know death is inevitable for all, yet none of us want to imagine losing a loved one. When curative treatments become ineffective, hospice can extend help, comfort, and support to your loved ones in making the most of remaining days.

Regardless of whether you're loved one is presently eligible for hospice care or not, you should have the awareness of when to call hospice. This will help you have a complete understanding of the various alternatives available before a crisis hits so that you can select the best-suited one for your family.

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care has been defined as end-of-life care by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Hospice centers comprise of a variety of professionals whose primary job is to provide pain management and emotional support to patients, in order to facilitate their physical transition through end-of-life. In addition to providing medical care, psychological and spiritual cares are also among the main reasons for hospice care's increasing popularity. Hospice professionals, also offer support to the bereaved family members.

Each hospice care aims at maintaining a certain quality of life for every patient. You may be uncertain about placing a loved one in hospice care, but in certain conditions, it's the most compassionate care option available. Latest researches have established that residents who acquire hospice care may most likely survive longer and are more relieved than those who don't.

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Who is Eligible to Receive Hospice care?

  • Hospice care is generally recommended for patients who are left with approximately six months to live if the illness takes its natural course. But the timing can vary from patient to patient.
  • If you or a loved one's terminal disease has become a challenge to manage and the health condition has continuously deteriorated over a period of time, and living at home has become infeasible, this is a reason to consider hospice care.
  • If you or a loved one is suffering from unbearable pain due to a terminal illness and pain medication requirements have become overwhelming, hospice care may be considered as the best solution.

Getting a diagnosis of a terminal disease can be devastating for patients and families. Additionally, there are complicated medical, emotional, and spiritual requirements to be dealt with. A few signs that indicate when the right time to discuss Hospice care for a patient includes:

  • Frequent hospitalizations or the emergency room trips.
  • Unsuccessful recovery after medical setbacks.
  • Growing dependency in case of normal routine task like walking, eating, bathing, etc.
  • An enhanced pain, nausea, respiratory problems, or other perturbing symptoms.
  • Caregiver “burnout” and estrangement or requirement for support.
  • Reduced alertness, emotional withdrawal, excessive drowsiness and enhanced trouble with comprehension.

Selecting hospice is never easy. Nevertheless, hospice care can help transform a stressful, negative end-of-life condition into a more comfortable one.

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